Friday, August 13, 2010

Another Weekend of Yard Work

The weekend is almost here! Though the weekend should prove to not be the best of weekends. Tomorrow starts off with Yard Work and ends with Sunday concluding with a vote after Church concerning a proposed new ministry. Needless to say, I don't have a good feeling about it and its impact on the Church. Our Bible Study on Thursday has concluded for the summer. Now we have to find something to fill in until it restarts in the Fall. Wild Mom is feeling good now that she visits the Chiropractor several times a week. Until I get back home I will not really know whether it is the doctor's looks or his medical skill that is bringing her back. She is trying to figure out a better camping schedule once the doctor's appointments slow down. Lady is doing very well, her walking and exercising are reaping benefits and by vacation time the bikini will be the dress of choice. Her vacation while the boss is out of the country ends today as he gets home. She will have to move out of his office and go back to her cube. No change for #1 but next week has a job interview scheduled. Fingers Crossed. #2 is managing though he did tangle with the mailbox and the truck survived. However the mailbox is in serious condition. Peanut just can't stop working so it makes the time we have special. Of course, AJ helps a lot too. That little guy is a parrot at heart ... copying everything he sees or hears. One more week of Youth Bowling. I sure wish I could say we did better but this was a bad season. Oh well, that is why we stop this one and start over all fresh. Lil Princess get prettier by the day though her attitude is developing ... gee that reminds me of another Princess. Hmmm. Starr seems to have lost the concept of being at home, she just loves the work and long hours. Maybe next time she will remain hourly and get overtime for the work she does. Sounds better than being worked like a slave all day long.

Steven Slater, Jet Blue Attendant. Hey guy I know how you felt and I agree the public has gotten nasty and has little respect for others. Gee, isn't that mode most people are in now? Respect, Integrity and Responsibility are replaced with the "ME first and foremost" complex.

The Redskins start their march to last place in the NFC East tonight. Sounds good since then they can match the Nationals record. Go Atlanta Braves and Dallas Cowboys. Wish I could move there and be part of a winning culture.

Wasn't the debut of Jackie Evancho on America's Got Talent awesome? Though I did like Kristina Young's performance too.

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