Friday, February 18, 2005

A quick note spurred by a comment on my blog.

I had a lengthy discussion today with a devout Catholic over my Blog. We agreed to disagree.

They felt I was picking on the Catholic Church since it was such a small percentage of Priests that have caused the problem. Yes, it is a small number as far as percentages go (> 2%). But 756 priests under investigation today alone, plus those already convicted is the problem. To me, 1 is too much. Are we to start classifying sins by the per-centage? Look what 1 homosexual Bishop has done to the Episcopal Church. I am sorry and pray for those priests that have lost their vision and calling. But, I also look at the Catholic Church to quit hiding them, denying it exists and to fix the problem. Something is broke when that many priests fail and subcumb to their desires.

I asked this person would changing the rules about priests being allowed to marry and still perform their duties to the Church. I cringed when they replied, "then we would be just like the Protestants." So? Who cares as long as the Gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed across the world. Am I any less of a Christian, Teacher, or Minister of God's word because I am married? No, I just have to learn to place Jesus first and my family second. Besides, I feel I do a good job teaching about Jesus and my family is superb in their support of me when times get rough.

Perhaps we should get rid of all the "Churchism's" and get back to what God taught us in the Bible. Quit trying to make it a Catholic, Protestant, or anything else issue. Get rid of the ritualistic ways and just worship God as he outlined in his word. Each Religion has created so many rules and requirements just to be differennt from every one else that they have lost sight of the basic commandments and teachings. Pehaps we are becoming more like the times before Jesus was born where the Laws and how you dealt with the law matters more. I faintly recall that Jesus told us he was the way to salvation and not the laws made by some church leader.

So lest I ramble on, I shall end by saying, the only hoop I intend to jump through to get to heaven is the one made by Jesus' arms.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wait a go Bill! Something I'm always thinking about, if we threw as much effort into just living the way Jesus' wants and less focussing on our differences, more time speaking the plain, simple and yes sometimes offensive gospel and less time talking about the right way to 'do church' the world would be a whole lot better off.