Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Zephyr - Day Six

Well, I spent this morning watching the early shift bowl and drinking coffee. Not quite as fun as the Observation car but better than the Parking garage. Well, I bowled the BTM Tournament and did well, right now I am eighth, so maybe it will hold up until the end of the tournament and make the number needed to qualify for payoff. Oh, I did manage to win my brackets from last night. Now I have to get to the Sands Casino to get my winnings. 5:30 tonight I will bowl my doubles and singles. Hope it goes as well at the BTM did. Well, this year's tournament is over and for the most part it was successful and fun. I hope I get a new doubles partner for next year but that is a story for another day. After bowling, I had dinner with the Visionary Bowling Staff at Circus Circus Buffet. Now that was one meal were bowling was talked along with many other things. Come to find out , Cecil Scarboro was from Panama City. Guess Wild Mom will have to check the genealogy and see if he is related to us. Sadly, it is now time to pack and get ready for the ride home. While it will be fun, reality will set in ... work. Many funny stories about the people here. Like the man with his pants so low, below his butt cheeks, his underwear showed. He needed to smoke so when he crammed his hand into his pants pocket for his lighter ... the pants dropped to the ground, since he was walking, he nose dived into the floor, hit his head on the escalator hand rail and almost rolled down the escalator. Everyone, including his girl friend around laughed out loud and yours truly kindly pointed out that the shop across the hall sold BELTS that would prevent that from happening again. We did have one flaming butt hole get kicked out of the tournament and escorted out of the building. Well, time to catnap again ...

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